A N e t w o r k o f M i n i s t r y E n h a n c e m e n t
K.I.C.M.A. takes great pride in treating the entire needs of the ministry community. One day at a time.
One step at a time.
What is K . I . C. M. A. ?
K.I.C.M.A. (Knoxville Interdenominational Christian Ministerial Alliance) is an organization of pastors and clergy. A combination of diverse Ministers of the Christian faith who have formed an alliance which promotes Christianity and enhances the spiritual, social and economic life of our metropolitan area through networking, collaboration and serving.
KICMA currently meets on a weekly basis to effectively educate its members and address the ever-changing needs of the people it's been called to serve.
Equipping clergy, enhancing ministry and serving our greater Knoxville community.